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ubiDOCS – for TRANSPORT companies

You are ?

a TRANSPORTER driving for an WASTE COLLECTOR that has chosen ubidata’s ubiDOCS solution

ubidata offers ...

free access for all documents during the transport period (all documents to be updated and final documents 5 days from transport date).

On the web platform you can

  • link a driver to a transport document
  • view the transports linked to their transport company on the temporary range

On a mobile device:

  • we offer a mobile application on Android (available) and iOS (coming soon) on which the driver can enrich the transport document with the actions taken during the loading and delivery process

but also ...

With a fee, transport companies can enjoy supplementary services:

  • download transport documents in pdf format
  • keep transport documents during the 5 years legal period
  • export data
  • a specific csv export for MATIS

How do I start?

first download and read the 3 documents below:

  • the commercial proposal for waste transporters
  • the general terms and conditions of ubidata
  • the specific conditions of ubiDOCS

If you agree, please fill out the form below and ubidata will contact you for further instructions.


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