ubiTT mobile APP

An eye on your fleet wherever your are!

Try our new APP available on Google Play Store and Apple Store!

Follow your fleet wherever you are with Ubidata Track & Trace solutions!

The ubiTT mobile application is a light version of the ubiTT web portal, one of the logistics solutions offered by Ubidata.
You will be able to locate any of your assets over the last 24 hours, not only the route but also all the stops along the route.

Trucks, trailers, drivers, equipment, wagons, containers, … any asset defined in your project can be geolocated according to the position of the underlying device (mobile or telematics).

You have set up some alerts.. these will also be aligned with the trip and you will know if one of your collaborators has taken care of it or not yet by the color code associated.

Updated on October 26, 2022
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