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  4. ubiDOCS – Waste transport – involved actors

ubiDOCS – Waste transport – involved actors

Who is concerned?

All the actors present on a traceability chain are concerned because the mission of this platform is in particular to guarantee the traceability from one end of the chain to the other.

Access rights to ubiDOCS and specific actions will be determined based on the ACTOR role.


Company whose activity produces waste and stores it temporarily, before transporting it to a facility for treatment ​


Any person who arranges for the transport of waste produced by third parties or himself


Natural or legal person who transports waste on behalf of third parties on a professional basis 


Company that receives waste for recycling/transformation

ACTOR role

The role of an ACTOR is given when creating a document (the same company can carry multiple roles in the same document, or a different role in different documents).

SUBMITTERThe SUBMITTER is the company that issues a transportation order to the DEALER, or WASTE PRODUCER. It may be the DEALER, or WASTE PRODUCER or a parent or affiliated company for administrative use.
It may also be the holder or producer of the waste.

This role is not mandatory and not provided for in VLAREMA.
It has been added at the request of ubidata customers for informational purposes
COLLECTOR, DEALER, or WASTE PRODUCERAnyone making arrangements for transportation of waste produced by third parties = responsible for the content of the form, and must use advanced signature to validate the form.

– Provides instructions to the carrier
– Ensures identification of waste
– Defines packaging and destination
– Ensures that proper safety measures have been taken
– Takes responsibility for waste during transportation
WASTE PRODUCERWho generates waste and temporarily stores it, before it is transported to a facility for processing = where the waste must be charged

natural or legal person who transports waste professionally on behalf of third parties = who loads, transports and unloads the waste

Specific user of the COMPANY – is linked to the COMPANY company in the system
WASTE PROCESSOR= Where the waste is to be unloaded. It can be a waste collection or disposal facility.
AUTHORITY/ADMINISTRATION/SUPERVISORSdefault actor linked to all documents – consultation only

ACTOR data

Actors will be identified by their

  • NAME
  • Address
  • VAT number (if applicable – not required for individuals)
  • ONE identification number (if applicable – not required for individuals)
  • Standard contact details (name + first name + email)

One identification number is required: depending on the type of actor, the identification number may differ.

  • For the waste producer and processor, this is preferably the establishment number of the CBE.
  • If this is not available for the waste producer and processor and for the other actors it is the company number (or for foreign companies the VAT number or EORI number for companies without VAT number).

A single email address is required. This email will be used to email the transport documents by

Updated on November 27, 2024

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