ubiDOCS-Waste is a digital platform that aims to dematerialize the traceability of waste (hazardous or not) to simplify the daily management of the waste tracking note and secure the processing channels.
You may encounter unfamiliar terms while reading these pages.
Here is a small glossary to help you understand the following paragraphs.
Come take a look at our dictionary … and if you can’t find the answer to your question, send us an e-mail to ask for clarification.
ubiDOCS solution
Read carefully the prerequisites to understand how a transport document must be generated to comply with the law.
If you choose data integration, you may need to modify your tools to provide ubidata with the information required by law for the validity of your transport documents.
ubidata ensures the integrity of the data, but you remain responsible for its validity.
We are still developing the solution.
Check back regularly to see how it’s going.
is given when creating a document (the same company can carry multiple roles in the same document, or different roles in different documents).
=> Read more
Each player in the system has a share of responsibility in enriching the document.
Each time the status changes, a number of actions are legally required.
=> Read more
This digital identification form will be unique to Belgium, and will be submitted to the 3 regions for approval. It will contain the information required by the 3 regions and will be updated when a new requirement is made.
=> Read more
In the solution, the following actions are possible:
>User management (creation, edition, consultation)
>Document management (creation, edition, consultation)
Sharing information with companies that are not ubidata customers is done via an e-mail with a pdf as attachment or via a JSON file.
It is foreseen to visualize the pdf files on the mobile device of a driver on request during an inspection.
– the DEALER, or WASTE PRODUCER before the transport activity can start.
– the WASTE PROCESSOR (or the driver if there is no employee at the waste handler site) when unloading the waste.
The means of signature are different in these 2 steps.
=> Read more
Both this person and the company are contractually obligated to provide the correct data and take responsibility for the data imported into the ubidata system.
Ubidata will make it contractually clear that the company providing the data has duties to fulfill regarding the validity of the data.
From the creation of the e-id number, ubidata is responsible for the process of properly collecting, storing and sharing all data related to a specific waste shipment.
ubidata has set up a secure environment where data is duplicated in order to recover it in case of unexpected problems. Remote backups are also performed.
When data is stored in the database (from the “READY” status), it cannot be deleted or modified by users.
When data is changed in a document, a separate record is stored and logs are kept for each change in the document. However, the pdf document contains the last available information with a sign that a change has occurred as described in next section.
=> Read more about Change log (only DUTCH available)
=> open the FAQ page
Detailed description of the solution
Below you can download a detailed description of our ubiDOCS solution and how it has been approved by the authorities (only DUTCH and FRENCH versions available):
Mobile Application
in construction – please come back later
Web Interface (ubiTT)
A web page called ‘TRANSPORT DOCUMENTS’ is available under a menu called ubiDOCS.
In the solution, the following actions are possible:
- User management (creation, release, consultation)
- Document management (creation, edition, consultation)
Data integration
Do you use specific software to manage your supply chain, but does it not cover the final stage of transportation?
No need to recode your transportation missions in different tools, because we offer you the possibility to let our systems communicate with each other.
Data is exchanged via an API.
An application programming interface (API) is a set of functions and procedures for building software applications.
Our RESTful API reference is accessible through the swagger, where you will find a list of END POINTS and their descriptions.
ubidata also provides a test environment to evaluate the solution and test the functionality before going live.