Where do I find the page?
If you are a ubiDOCS customer, you will find a new menu item ubiDOCS, under which you can click on the ‘Transport documents’ page:
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How does the page work?
By default, this page contains all issued transport documents, with a customizable number of items per page.
The classic features of a tabular report apply:
- pagination,
- refresh – automatic refresh
- Search panel
- search bar
- templates
See “getting started” for more information.
- a multi-filter function was added to choose 3 columns to filter, according to an order useful to the user. This order and the order of filtering are kept in memory when saving a Template.
What can the user do from this page?
1. filter the transport documents from the search window based on
- date of transport
- the “status” of the document
Date of transport
"status" of the document
2. view the pdf of the transport document
- of the corresponding row in the table, by clicking on the PREVIEW icon
- by downloading the document in pdf format, by clicking on the PDF icon
3. filter and organize the records into templates that make sense to him
- by using a pre-existing template
- by saving a new template based on its needs
4. create new transport document