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ubiDOCS – Waste transport – statuses

A digital identification form goes through several statuses in ubiDOCS:


ISSUED (ready for drawing)


Before the document has a legal existence, it can be deleted. A document with this status is hidden in the report and is not viewable or visible in the interfaces (web or mobile).

READY (for transport)


A transport is planned and can take place, but it can be cancelled at any time (prior to the transport) – The digital document exists and is visible in the system, and we record who cancelled the transport and when.

Note: Only a document with “READY” status can be canceled.



A transport is in progress but interrupted (e.g. accident with waste spread on the street). The driver is given the option to put the status of the document in ‘STOPSET’; a comment to explain the circumstances is possible and/or mandatory (project setting).



A validation button allows you to finalize the document. The digital document is FULL and is sent to all actors involved (*).

However, the record can still be changed – see status CHANGED

Without changing the document data, the status is changed after 24 hours


Updated on January 28, 2025

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