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  4. Share transport document will all parties

Share transport document will all parties

Flemish law requires that transport documents be shared with all parties concerned at the end of the process in a digital manner.

ubiDOCS solution


Enter a valid email address

In order to share the transport document digitally, you have to enter a valid email address related to a company.

There is a specific CONTACT form linked to every company in the system:


Send email upon transport completion

An email is sent to ALL companies for which you have entered a valid email address when the status of a document is going from ‘DELIVERED’ to ‘COMPLETED’.

You can change the status:

  • MANUALY: check the document and adjust eventually the weights before hitting the ‘COMPLETE’ action button
  • AUTOMATICALLY: if you don’t make any change, there is an AUTO-COMPLETE feature that automatically completes a document 24 hours after delivery.


This delay can be configured by project.

Please send an email to support@ubidata.com and provide the delay you would like us to set up (in number of hours or number of days).

Send email upon corrections on document after transport completion

You can open and modify a transport document even after completion.

You might want to correct a weight value or enter a comment.

Be aware that every time you modify the document after completion, every actor will be notified by email.

Updated on January 30, 2025

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