Fuel management

ubidata offers many ways to control FUEL consumption.

Not only related to the source of information, but also reported in different manners in the ubiTT interface.

ubidata recovers data from

  • ubiSMART mobile app
  • ubiFLEET – FMS/CANbus telematic system
  • ubiLINK – intergation from your FUEL supplier (currently we get data from TotalEnergies – other suppliers can be added if necessary)

Link your data to your assets and get your FUEL expenses under control!

Choose the data that matters to extract the needed information…

Geolocation, fueling data, driver identification, fueling times, related activity, check-list,… whatever data you need to focus on your way to manage fuel consumption.

Data are reported on ubiTT as

  • a graph
  • in several tables with specific search capabilities

ubidata offers you the possibility to:

  • control your costs
  • validate your invoices
  • avoid fraud
  • train your drivers
  • detect breakdowns

You want to know more about this functionality, contact our support Team!

Updated on August 28, 2023
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