FUEL – consolidation

this page is under construction… stay tuned…

This page is gathering data from a ubiLINK integration.

It aims to consolidate FUEL data from external fuel card provider and ubidata telematic data (FMS/CANBUS)

Currently we support TotalEnergie data.

You want us to consider your fuel card supplier? Please contact support to request and offer.

Full FUEL management capabilities of ubidata are explained in the Fuel Management section

Data origin

External tool

Depending on the data available at your fuel card supplier, we recover any transaction and linked data from the third party. Generally, we get:

  • card number
  • Driver name or Vehicle name
  • transaction information (date / time )
  • station name
  • purchased product (type / quantity)
  • costs

and other manual entries such as:

  • km index / mileage
  • free text

ubidata FMS/CANBUS connection

The used card for fueling can be linked to a driver or vehicle in our database.

As ubidata recovers additionnal information from the telematic device installed on the logged vehicle, we recover additionnal data such as:

  • real position (address / POI)
  • km index / mileage

Filtering options

Dataset results

How to use / interpret the dataset results?

I want to validate the fuel invoices by vehicle or by driver…

I want to prevent fraud and theft

I want to get rid of non reliable manual entries done by the driver… especially the mileage.

I want to identify location discrepancies (card used on another physical location than the related vehicle).

What is in the pipe?

ubidata mobile phone application

ubiSMART offer the possibility to enter FUEL receipts.

Our intention is to recover also these data in the consolidated view.

More to come…

In the meantime, another specific report lists all manual entries from our ubiSMART mobile phone application:

Updated on March 9, 2023
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