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  4. Bug corrections in version 5.2

Bug corrections in version 5.2

Release 5.2.6 – 21/02/2023 – Bug corrections

We fixed an issue with login screen

Release 5.2.5 – 13/02/2023 – Bug corrections

We fixed some missing values in Temperature Graph

Release 5.2.4 – 20/01/2023 – Bug corrections

  • related to latest Chrome version – restore TEMPLATES drop down and multiple ALERT closing from Title bar
  • related to entity name not supporting parenthesis wen adding to a group of entities
  • related to the filter on ‘values’ which has been fixed in the ‘APPLICATION EVENTS’ report

In the context of continuous improvement, we are doing our best to correct incorrect behavior in our system.

Please continue to help us detect problems and send your comments to support…

Updated on February 22, 2023
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