ubiDOCS for waste transformers

You are ?

a waste processing company receiving waste under contract with a COLLECTOR who works with ubiDOCS. You must correct the waste weights on receipt.

ubidata offers ...

free access to all documents during the transport period (all documents to be updated and final documents 5 days after the transport date).

On the web platform, you can

  • correct weights on receipt of waste
  • view transports linked to your transport company on the temporary range.

On a mobile device:

  • we offer a mobile application on Android (available) and iOS (soon available) on which the driver can enrich the transport document with actions performed during the loading and delivery process.

but also ...

For an annual subscription fee, processing companies can benefit from additional services:

  • download transport documents in pdf format
  • retain transport documents for the statutory period of 5 years
  • export your transport documents

Automatic weight updates?

Would you like to link your scale to the ubidata database? We provide an API that your IT department can query.

How do I get started?

Please download and read the 3 documents below:

  • the commercial proposal for waste processors
  • ubidata general terms and conditions
  • ubiDOCS specific conditions

If you agree, fill in the form below and ubidata will contact you for further instructions.