REPORTING / Pictures

relates to ubiSMART mobile app.

a picture is worth 10.000 words ! but the context is always important.


Your drivers make use of ubiSMART mobile app, and the picture module is enabled.

There are 3 type of pictures that can be taken on the field:

  • free picture (from ubiSMART Menu)
  • check-list illustration
  • anomaly illustration at unloading

Depending on the need, you can make use of ubiTT picture report to:

  • visualize and help your driver
  • register issues with deliveries for litigation management
  • send an illustration to a stakeholder

Reporting page on ubiTT

As any other tabular report, make use of the SEARCH pane to filter the data you need.

Filter on:

  • target type: DRIVER / VEHICLE / TRAILER / GROUPS
  • target name
  • planning reference: the contract number we get from your TMS
  • job name: this can be the customer name e.g.
  • period

The dataset result will provide you with:

  • the picture
  • the DRIVER name
  • the DEVICE name
  • the VEHICLE name
  • the TRAILER name
  • The date and time the picture has been taken
  • The address where the picture has been taken
  • Any associated existing POI from the project
  • If applicable, your planning reference during which the picture has been taken
  • If applicable, the Job name during which the picture has been taken

The pictures are clickable

  • to preview full size the picture
  • to rotate the picture for better readability
  • to download picture as a picture file
  • to download a full report with associated transport data

The action column shows 2 icons that permit to directly download picture or report without opening the picture.

Alert on picture

see ADMIN / Alert rules for creating an alert on picture

see DISPATCHING / Alerts for displaying alerts on picture on ubiTT web interface

A link from the alert will open the PICTURE report on the related picture

Check-List report

Pictures taken during CHECK-LIST (ubiCHECK module from ubiSMART) are also available in the Check-List report. They illustrate an issue with your VEHICLE or TRAILER, and are used to establish a specific report for maintenance services.

Updated on June 13, 2023
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