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  4. How to layout your report in ubiTT according to your<br>needs?

How to layout your report in ubiTT according to your

When working in ubiTT on a tabular report, you do not always need all the information available.
Sometimes you may need to move a column in order to make it easy to read.
Ubidata brings an easy way for you to quickly reorder the datatable in one go.

So, how do you reorder a datatable in ubiTT?

  • Step 1: Select column
  • Step 2: Move the cursor to the Headline of the column
  • Step 3: Move the column using drag and drop

Watch videos for a better understanding.

Show/hide columns

Any tabular report page from the new interface can be designed to the needs of the user:

Show/hide columns to keep only the relevant information

Sort columns by clicking header to improve readability

You can use a custom list to sort in a user defined order.

For example, a column might contain values that you want to sort by, data by text (A to Z or Z to A), numbers (smallest to largest or largest to smallest)

Display specified number of records

  • You can choose to see 25 | 50 |100 |250 | 500 | 1000 items per page.
  • Example: If you select 25, then 25 records will be displayed.
Updated on March 15, 2022
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